Maultaschen in Germany

Maultaschen & Easter

Did you know that according to one legend, Maultaschen were invented for God Friday?

One more Swabian Tradition – as this involves the beloved food – the Maultasche – we want to honor it  separately although this is about Easter :-)

If you cannot find any Maultaschen in the stores anymore the day before God Friday there is a good reason...
As you might have read in our Easter blog post meat is not supposed to be eaten on God Friday.

So what did the clever Swabians do?

According to one legend the monks of the cloister in Maulbronn (hence the name Maultasche, which literally translates to mouth pocket) tried to cheat on God during lent. As they were not supposed to eat meat they wrapped it in the pasta so God would not see it.
That is why they are also called "Herrgottsbscheißerle“ by locals, which literally means something like „little God cheaters“

So now you know....

You can eat them in broth, sauted with onions or fried with eggs.
Don’t forget the potato salad!


April 2019

This blog post is a personal recommendation and based on personal experience. It has been prepared with the greatest possible care and does not claim to be correct, complete or up-to-date.“


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