Birch Seeds in Germany

Birch Pollen - the yellow dust

The mystery of the "yellow dust".

Did you notice some yellow dust on your window sills, on your windows, you car and if you are living close to a birch (a tree with white bark) maybe even everywhere.

Time & Allergies

From (usually) middle of April till middle of July (depending on the winter and spring temperatures) you can encounter the" yellow dust". This is especially a hard session for allergy sufferers as they can trigger hay fever.

So maybe wait a little bit with your spring cleaning and stock up on anti-allergics if you know you have an allergy (you can check in with your local pharmacy if you are interested in German remedies).


April 2020  by Kira Neumann
This blog post is a personal recommendation and based on personal experience. It has been prepared with the greatest possible care and does not claim to be correct, complete or up-to-date.“

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