Wilhelma - Stuttgart Zoo & Botanical Gardens

Unique set-up and experience in Stuttgart.

Wilhelma is one of the most popular places in Stuttgart. Every year more than 1.5 million visitors come to see the historical park with a unique mixture of botanical gardens, different animals and beautiful buildings.

Originally the Wilhelma was planned as private garden. The park with buildings in the Moorish style was intended to serve the Swabian king, King Wilhelm I, as living quarters and also to be used for representative purposes. In those times, in the middle of the 19th century, Moorish architecture had come into fashion amongst the royal families of Europe.

The park is open every day of the year. Starting at 8.15 a.m. it closes depending on the month. In the winter months the park closes earlier. Due to the very many different animal and plant buildings, Wilhelma is a good place to visit even when the weather is not so friendly.

The whole area is huge (almost 70 acres in size (280,000 square metres), and thus takes up around 40 football pitches). Therefore plan enough time for your visit.

Food & Drink
Walking usually makes us really hungry – so  do not forget your picnic or you visit one  of the restaurants in the park.
Under that link you can find a map  of the whole area. There you see where the restaurants are located.

Here is a link to their price list :
Tickets can be bought at the entrance.
Insider Tipp: When there are lots of people waiting look for the ticket vending machines near the car park. There you can also buy tickets!

You can come easily both by public (U14) and private transport. The white inner-city traffic signs will guide you (elephant symbol) to the car park. But on the weekend the parking situation is often difficult. The U-Bahn has a stop right in front of the entrance (Wilhelma).

More information and interesting tours:
Depending on your interests you can plan your visit to this great zoo.

We wish you a wonderful time there!! Enjoy it!

September  2019 by Dr. Christine Krämer
This blog post is a personal recommendation and based on personal experience. It has been prepared with the greatest possible care and does not claim to be correct, complete or up-to-date.“

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