Public transport in Stuttgart

How to get around in Stuttgart by public transport.


The public transportation system of Stuttgart can be broken down into  3 means of transportation:
Bus (BUS in red or green H), U-Bahn (blue U), S-Bahn (green S)

The U-Bahn, Stadtbahn or Strassenbahn equals a tram mainly operating within downtown & closer outskirts of Stuttgart.
The S-Bahn is equivalent to a commuter train or rapid transit railway connecting Stuttgart to close cities like Esslingen, Filderstadt, Böblingen, Herrenberg and many more.


Please purchase the ticket BEFORE you enter either from the ticket machine, electronically  or in case of bus transportation also directly from the driver. Read on for an explanation of how to purchase tickets.

All tickets can and have to be purchased for different zones!

Here is a partial list of 11 possibilities:

  • Short Trip Ticket (Kurzstreckenkarte)- Valid for 3 consequtive stops
  • Single Day Ticket (Tageskarte) - Unlimited number of rides within the number of zones you purchased until 7 a.m. next day.
  • Group Day Ticket (Gruppentageskarte) - the day-ticket for up to 5 people (a dog may replace a person).
  • SingleTicket (Einzelfahrschein)
    The right alternative for single rides (you can travel in one direction up to 3 hours – meaning you can get off to do something and carry on in the same direction.)
  • 4 trip ticket (Mehrfahrtenkarte = equals 4 Single Tickets)
    can be purchased at the ticket machines and has the same price as the online ticket for a single journey. The Mehrfahrtenkarte has to be validated in one of the yellow stamp machines (see picture) directly after entering in the bus or U-Bahn or at the S-Bahn station before entering the same. Any unused rides must be used within a year.
  • 3-day-ticket
    An attractive offer designed for overnight guests at hotels, inns, and guest houses within the VVS territory, as well as for visitors attending conferences or meetings.
  • StuttCard Plus
    Three days of unlimited rides throughout Stuttgart, by bus or rail, with additional benefits (for example, free or reduced tickets to state museums, discounts on sightseeing tours, boat tours, theaters, and public pools).
  • KombiTicket -  the convenient method to ride busses and rail lines: admission ticket = VVS transit ticket
  • Special Offers for Students - Students at institutions of higher learning ride all VVS lines best with the StudiTicket.
  • Scool-Abo / Education Ticket for pupils -
  • monthly/yearly ticket

Important Notes:

  • Children 14 and older require an adult ticket. Children under the age of six (strollers. Luggage, Wheelchairs) do not require a ticket. Children between 6 and 14 require a children‘s ticket.
  • For a dog a child‘s ticket is required (unless you can take the dog on your lap).
  • Not having a ticket results in a fine of 60 Euros.
  • You can purchase monthly / weekly / yearly tickets
  • Bicycles
    U-Bahn: are not allowed on Mondays – Fridays between 6 am – 8:30 am and 4 pm – 6:30 pm. All other times and weekends free of charge.
    S-Bahn: Allowed at all times, but you need to buy a childrens ticket if you ride between 6 am and 9 am on weekdays.
    Bus: not allowed in downtown Stuttgart but in the outskirts.
  • And last but not least – you need to push the buttons in or at the trains to open the doors and also the red STOP button in the bus, before you stop at your exit – otherwise they stay closed & you can’t get off or in case of the bus, the bus driver will omit your stop …just saying…it has happened before…

How to buy a ticket

You can purchase tickets online and print them via the VVS website  or SSB AG.
download the VVS App/SSB-Move  App/DB Navigator APP onto your mobile phone and set up your account with your credit card information. It is in English!
buy your ticket at the vending machines at the stations/bus stops or directly from the bus driver

Tickets purchased online or via the App are cheaper(they are called HANDY in the price information leaflet) than the ones from the ticket machine (also note – the ticket machine takes AGES to print – I missed my train a few times….)

How do I know which ticket I need - 3 possibilities
  • you must either know the zones or your final destination.
  • online:
    you just enter the start and end of your journey and the ticket (one way) will show. If you buy one of the day tickets, check the zones you need to buy for here on the VVS Website - Tarifzonenplan also to download.
  • at the station:
    Each destination has a three-digit number, which can be entered into the ticket machine . And there is a map of the zones, usually in the information displays at the station.
    The three-digit destination number can be found at the chart next to the ticket machine (see pictures).
    After you list your destination or zone the display will show you the amount to be paid. You can use coins and bills or at some machines your EC Karte.

More Information

Königstreue 1,  70173 Stuttgart, Phone: 0711 19449, Opening hours:
Mo – Fr 9 a.m. – 6.30 p.m; Sa 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
VVS Information center at U-Bahn Charlottenplatz.
Link to the VVS homepage in English or call 0711-66060

LINK TO THE SSB-Information


Good to know & especially in stuttgart:

There is a Zahnradbahn called ZACKE (cog railway) between Marienplatz and Degerloch, which takes your bike uphill for free and it is a nice ride, too (see pictures).

In for a nostalgic ride? There is the Seilbahn (cable car) starting at the Südheimer Platz, which takes you up to the Waldfriedhof (cemetery) in the very old and nostalgic cable cars - worth a trip especially with children. (Google Standseilbahn Stuttgart to get an idea)

You can walk around at the top, enjoy some food at at the local beer garden and walk back down into town. There are some nice walks (Blaustrümpfler Weg, Joseflesweg or just downhill…) Easily done with a stroller, too.


updated August  2019 Kira Neumann
This blog post is a personal recommendation and based on personal experience. It has been prepared with the greatest possible care and does not claim to be correct, complete or up-to-date.“ Picturecredit: Kiramiga

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