Until I met an angel named Christine. She has been a blessing

US Military

Moving to a new country was intimidating for me. I couldn’t speak the native language, and I was not fully prepared for the change. At first I struggled with simple everyday tasks, from grocery shopping to figuring out the trash system. Until I met an angel named Christine. She has been a blessing. Christine escorted me to the store, helped me read labels, and introduced me to some traditional German customs. She took me to the recycling station and taught me about the trash system and schedules. She made sure I knew where the hospitals were and how to contact emergency services if I ever need them. She has done so much for us and I am grateful to have reached out to Kiramiga. Christine and Kira both have been amazing to work with. I highly recommend their services. They help expats and military families adjust to German life with ease. I am thankful for their warm reception and helpful integration into such a wonderful country.

US Military


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